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Definition of scan
(Entry 1 of 2)
transitive verb1: to read or mark so as to show metrical structurescan poetry2: to examine by point-by-point observation or checking:a: to investigate thoroughly by checking point by point and often repeatedlya fire lookout scanning the hills with binocularsb: to glance from point to point of often hastily, casually, or in search of a particular itemscan the want ads looking for a job3a: to examine systematically (as by passing a beam of radiation over or through) in order to obtain data especially for display or storagescanned the patient’s heartradar scans the horizonscan the photos into the computerb: to pass over in the formation of an imagethe electron beam scans the picture tube
intransitive verb1: to scan verse2: to conform to a metrical patternthis poem scans well
Definition of scan (Entry 2 of 2)1: the act or process of scanning2: a radar or television trace3: an image formed by scanning something: such asa: a depiction (such as a photograph) of the distribution of a radioactive material in something (such as a bodily organ)b: an image of a bodily part produced (as by computer) by combining ultrasonic or radiographic data obtained from several angles or sectionsOther Words from scanSynonymsChoose the Right SynonymMore Example SentencesLearn More about scan
Other Words from scan
Verbscannable \ ˈska-nə-bəl \ adjective
Synonyms for scan
Synonyms: Verb
Synonyms: Noun
- audit,
- check,
- checkup,
- examination,
- going-over,
- inspection,
- look-see,
- review,
- scrutiny,
- survey,
- view
Choose the Right Synonym for scan
SCRUTINIZE, SCAN, INSPECT, EXAMINE mean to look at or over. SCRUTINIZE stresses close attention to minute detail. scrutinized the hospital bill SCAN implies a surveying from point to point often suggesting a cursory overall observation. scanned the wine list INSPECT implies scrutinizing for errors or defects. inspected my credentials EXAMINE suggests a scrutiny in order to determine the nature, condition, or quality of a thing. examined the specimens
Examples of scan in a Sentence

Verb He scanned the field with binoculars. He scanned the audience looking for his parents.