Smooth way to get Google Review

Smooth way to get Google Review

We had one of our weekly marketing meetings today and Phillips had sent Carlin and I a photo that he snipped from Google Reviews of our company. We only had one Google Review so far. He said something to the nature of we should keep an eye on these reviews and try to get more of them. I said, ‘Ah HA!” because a few weeks prior, I had received an email from our video director and editing team. That email was from their marketing director who had just gotten off the phone with me. He had called me and left a message. When I returned his phone call, we discussed how the video went down and he asked me a few customers satisfaction questions for their overall video completion review. Towards the end of the call, he said that they rely on Google Reviews to get new business and wondered if I would mind filling out a quick Google Review for their company about our experience.

He obviously knew that I had a great experience based on my feedback from the call. I said Sure! We also discussed in the call a few other pricing options for getting a 15 second video and a 30 second video of the same content but to use as a trailer and other form of video. We can use them in other marketing like for Facebook or for LinkedIn. Our video was 1.5 mins and that was great, but we thought a shorter video would be smart too. Plus, we already had plenty of content that it would be anything more than a few hours of video production to whittle down the timeline to a quicker clip.

When he said that he would get back to me with the additional pricing of those projects, he also thanked me for being willing to do a google review. When he sent me the email, he had a simple google review link. He put it in the form of a Bitly link. The link was genius because it make it super simple for me to complete. I didn’t have to think about it. The Bitly link  just took me straight to the spot where I could complete it. All I had to do was open the Bitly and spend about 15 to 92 seconds typing a few sentences about my experience in the form of a quick review. Done.

It was simple and painless, and I was happy to help them because of all they did to help me and our company. They made me look good, so I didn’t mind writing this to help them look good. The takeaway of this is the great part about it was that after I agreed to do the review, he made it super simple by sending me the link in he Bitly. It wasn’t like I had to go on the internet, google where to fill out a google review, no, he made it streamline and simple for me to complete. Therefore I think we should copy this idea.

I presented this to the team today in our marketing meeting and said that I thought we could do this like ~10-12 times per year with those clients who are raving rans and love our company. We would not do this for every single case that gets completed. However, this is a great way to follow up with our clients and get a review from someone who is willing to give us a compliment at the time when they are the happiest.

We have helped some clients who earn millions in settlements or 10’s of millions of dollars in judgments in favor of their clients and you darn well believe that they would take the time to write 5 sentences about our work product as well as our customer service. We have no system in place currently to address this need for gaining Google Reviews.

I believe that having these review is just as necessary as having a current and active Facebook and LinkedIn accounts. A firm in business for 24 years, like Warren, with only 1 review might seem sketchy to some people. Let’s take a stand and put forth an effort to be on the lookout for these types of clients who are raving fans and let’s harness the power of Google.