Someday Maybe List for Warren

The Warren Group’s Someday Maybe List

  • Create a best practice for writing thank you cards
    • If two or more people are from the same firm (See Bruner Powell example)
    • Always start with Thank you or Your
  • Building Onboarding Programs- How can we get a new expert ramped up and billing quicker. 
    • Return on Expert Headcount Investment: where is the point in time where this expert begins to pay for themselves?
  • Create a procedure for when people retire, die, leave for a competitor, start their own business
    • What happens with their phone, laptop, equipment, 
  • Create checklist for New Hire Onboarding
  1. LinkedIn Profile
  2. Website bio
  3. CV
  4. Bio
  5. Boiler Plate
  6. Black Books 
  7. Expert Cards
  8. Bio in Digital Expert Book
  9. Bio in Digital Construction Defect Handbook
  10. Purple Cow List – Expert List with Expertise PDF
  11. Announcement Blog on website 
  12. Blog in next Artifacts
  13. Blocking off days – usually if you haven’t heard in a week or two they aren’t real
  • Create checklist for doing a webinar
  • Create checklist for work travel trips (name badge)
  • Create checklist for booth business development trips
  • Create checklist for onsite inspections for engineers
  • Create a protocol for billing – .1 hour – every 6 mins of the day is accounted for
  • Explain- Subro desk review, icecream cone analogy, going for the no, purple cow, charging for everything and then being able to deduct at the end.
  • Put our Mission, Vision, and Values on each Biz Dev Agenda