Statement of Purpose | Finding my why

11/5/21    STATEMENT OF PURPOSE – Draft 1 

What is my why?

What is my purpose?

My purpose in life is that I am here on this earth to make an enormous impact on millions of people across the world by providing turnkey systems for clean water, food and energy to communities that need them the most. Why? Because I believe everybody deserves clean water, food, energy, and education….not to mention internet and the many other accessories that can be added to the systems and powered by the sun or moving water.

I am going to live a happy, joyous, and meaningful life.

I am going to be a loving, supporting husband to my life and business partner, Meagan.

I am going to be an active dad; to be supporting, loving and present father to my daughter, Maddie.

I am going to be financially free and create generational wealth in an honest and ethical way.

I am going to leave a 7-figure business behind that my daughter can manage if she so desires.

I am going to give outrageously to charities and non-profits of our choosing.

I am going to speak to crowded rooms, meetings, buildings, and stadiums to spread my message of hope to others.

I am going to share freely with others the tools, tips, and techniques that I’ve learned in ALL areas of my life.

I am going to be an accomplished, published writer with books being distributed in the backs of the rooms where I speak.

I am going to create digital workshops of in-depth videos to help carry the message and share my experiences and hope.

I am going to have an active daily podcast with at least 1,000 loyal listeners.

I am going to make $1 million annually by having 1,000 loyal followers who believe in what I’m doing and are aligned with my purpose and who gladly pay $100 each year for platinum access to content and resources.

I am going to have a weekly newsletter that goes out to followers.

I am going to create multiple streams of active and passive income to support my lifestyle and accomplish my goals in life.

I am going to own a plane to be able to fly my family, friends, and associates anywhere we need to go.

I am going to acquire my Private Pilot’s license so that I can fly needed supplies to those struggling communities.