331: Making a Want’s List of 5 Wants Daily along with 3 Action Items in a text to Action Partner | Path to Warren Podcast Episode 331 Transcript

Good morning, Path to Warren podcast. This is Matt Warren, January 26, 2022. Hope you’re having a wonderful day. So far it’s a Wednesday morning. It’s about 7:07am. I just left meeting with JB, my action partner accountability partner, and I wanted to share with you something that we started doing. So today we’re going to text each other 5-Wants and 3-Action items. So about two years ago, two and a half, maybe three years ago, he and I started texting each other our gratitude list. We would text each other what we’re grateful for. And we did ten gratitudes and then three action items or more. I heard recently somebody say in a meeting they only allow themselves to text each other like text their action partner 3 action items. What that does is it makes the first to think about what are the three most important things that I need to do today. And so what we started doing and I’m looking forward to doing it today is writing down five things that we want. So I want to pass my private pilots exam. I want to have an airplane. I want to have organized files that are backed up on the cloud. I want to have $10,735,482.91 in my net worth spreadsheet. These are things that I want. I want to have real estate. I want to have passive income through rental properties. I want to pay cash for the rental properties. I want to have my house paid off. I want to have my daughter’s College fund paid off. All of those are Wants. And by listing out, writing out and sharing with another person, we’re sending out Rockets of desires, Rockets of our intentions out into the universe so that our Higher Power can make those things happen. After I text him five things that I want, I’m going to also send him three action items that I’m going to do today or I’m going to try to do today. And I’m going to let them know when they’re done. And so what we’ll do is I’ll have those three items listed as one, two, and three and say at lunch on my lunch hour, if I do one of those things and I check off the box, I’m going to text him and say “bookend number one check” or action number one and put a checkmark so he knows that I did that thing that I told him I was going to do. So that’s what we’re going to start today. Also along those same lines with writing out what we want. As of yesterday, after listening to that Mel Robbins tape that I talked about in my podcast yesterday, it was a Mel Robbins YouTube video about manifesting what you want. She talked about how she likes to write out every day five things that she wants. And I had heard also along those same lines I had heard, I think it was Bob Proctor say that we don’t need to think about our fears we don’t need to write out our fears we don’t need to associate with the fears because all of those are another word for fear is false evidence appearing real and I had been two years ago I started writing down three fears or I would have like the spot on my Journal where I can list out three fears that I had for the day and a lot of times I left that blank. I didn’t have a fear every day but what I’m going to start doing now as of yesterday I started this instead of putting three fears I’m going to put three wants on my Journal and I can actually put more there’s space there. I could put more if I have room than three but changing the fears to want is what I’m going to do in my Journal I want to text these wants to my action partner along with three actions for the day I’m excited to get started back doing the daily text it really connects me with another person in the program connects me with somebody that has vision and the cool thing about these wants also is they don’t have to be realistic they just can be whatever we want they could be grandiose they can be big they could be small they can be whatever so I’m excited about doing that. It’s going to be a great day. It’s about 37 deg. It’s sunny I hope everybody has a wonderful day remember to high five yourself if you have not high fived yourself today I did mine in my car on my mirror because I forgot to do it when I was brushing my teeth. If you don’t know what I’m talking about go to the previous podcast where we talked about Highfive and yourself every day. Hope you have a wonderful day and remember as Mama always says make your contribution. Thanks for listening. Have a great day.