Becoming a Content Creator Machine

Today, I heard on Guy Kawasaki’s amazing podcast interview with iJustine that she considered herself a “Content Creator Machine.” Yes! That is it. That is exactly where my head needs to be. She commented how every event and activity that she dies throughout the day she is constantly thinking about how can she film, capture this moment and document it. She created even a Vlog University where she helps teach others everything that she knows in vlog creation and branding.

Videos are really where we need to go as a company. They are the most engaging right now for our clients. Our audiences are all exhausted of webinars. The first on March and even April showed a priceless captive audience as people were searching for content to fill their day because of covid19. Today, the supply of content has increased and people are ignoring the webinars.

On a recent Coffee and Conversation with the Legal Marketing Association, everyone was sharing what they have learned with video inhouse production and editing.

One fir created a latenight tv show that was 30 mins in length and distributed out through the webinar platform; calling it a monthly call-in show.

One law firm created The Buzz with Bernie and created that as a subpage attached to their company’s LinkedIn page.

Marketing teams were using Adobie Suite editing software, specifically Adobe Premier.

The ideal podcast length that have found is 25 minutes or less. The ideal Twitter video is 2 minutes 20 seconds. Facebook suggest that the most successful videos are greater that 3 mins in length. LinkedIn videos can be huge and as long as you want.

Companies are putting teleproptors in their lobbies as this location is normally the nicest place in the office or they are converting smaller rooms into production studios.

Captioning vidoes is extremely important because most people are watching social as they can sneak it in with the sound off or really low volume.

The ideal podcast is 25 mins or less and they are having success with the Town Hall approach.

Lastly, iJustine suggested that she likes to focus on the creation of the YouTube video first and get that set up the way it should be set up. Then, she clips instagram stories out of it and uploads the screenshots to instagram and stories. From their those are shared over onto Facebook. Then she will cut down one video to a 1 min video for Tiktok.

There is huge emphasis right now on collaboration with groups doing what you are already doing. this will expand my reach tremendously. Just be aware that it might hurt your feelings that some people don’t want to collaborate with you because of various reasons. I just need to go to the next one. I need to focus on building my brand, figure out my voice and be consistent along the journey.